IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

All about IPL Treatment for Dry Eye in Colorado Springs

If you suffer from dry eyes as a result of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), one treatment option is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).  At Chapel Hills Vision Clinic in Colorado Springs, CO, our expert team regularly performs this procedure on eligible candidates.  Discover more about IPL below, and then schedule an appointment with us to find out if this solution to dry eyes is right for you. 

What Does IPL Treatment for Dry Eyes Entail?

The IPL treatments you will receive at our clinic in Colorado Springs are based on advanced technology.  IPL uses polychromatic pulsed light and is administered with a specific sequence of homogenous light pulses.  There are no needles or injections involved.  A xenon flash lamp generates the light that treats this condition. 

The purpose of performing this procedure is to ensure the meibomian glands in our eyelids are stimulated so they will function properly again.  When meibomian glands are blocked, you are not able to produce the oils needed, which results in dry eyes.

Benefits of Undergoing IPL Treatments

Some patients treated with IPL experience an improvement in their dry eye symptoms after only one session.  For others, it may take at least two treatments to start feeling relief.  Within three sessions, the vast majority of patients that undergo this procedure see an improvement in their dry eye symptoms. 

Typically, treatment for MGD takes six months to complete.  However, treatment sessions for up to one year may be needed in more serious cases.

After undergoing this procedure, the stimulation of the oil glands decreases inflammation in your eyelids.  This procedure also eliminates Demodex mites from your eyelashes, helping to keep your eyes healthier in the future.  Too many of these mites on your eyelashes can lead to severe dry eye.  IPL treatments are effective for removing the mites because they do not like to be exposed to the strong light. 

One of the biggest benefits of this type of treatment is that it is often effective on patients who have tried previous methods to treat their MGD-based dry eyes without success.  Unlike other treatment options, IPL has the ability to close any vessels in your eyelids that are not functioning normally. 

Contact Chapel Hills Vision Clinic

After a diagnosis of MGD, many residents of Colorado Springs turn to Chapel Hills Vision Clinic for treatment of their dry eyes.  Throughout Colorado, we are known for offering high-quality IPL treatment services to patients who need this procedure.  One of our skilled optometrists will meet with you and address any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.  Call our friendly staff today at (719) 599-5083 to schedule your appointment.  


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